The best easy care houseplants

Houseplants can enhance any living space, whether you’re looking for vibrant blooms, delicate palms or ferns, or tropical plants that add a taste of the jungle with their dramatic foliage. However, the choice can be overwhelming. If you’re worried that you’re not going to be able to keep your plants in perfect health, you’re probably going to want to find some easy care houseplants that won’t make huge demands on your time. If this sounds like you, then read on…

You’ve read the glossy lifestyle magazine. You’ve seen the sophisticated and classic interior designs. Now you want to enhance your own living space with some elegant houseplants.

Easy care houseplants

There’s just one problem. You don’t know where to start.

If you think that you don’t know enough about houseplants to be able to look after them successfully, there’s no need to worry. There are a number of easy care houseplants which are simple to grow under average conditions, with no specialist knowledge or treatment.

These are the plants that can tolerate neglect or the one spot in the house where nothing else can grow. These are the plants that have a reputation for being ‘bullet-proof’!

Mother-in-Law’s Tongue | Sansevieria trifasciata

Also known as Snake Plant, this is one of the classic easy care houseplants that has a reputation for being as tough as nails. While some may think of it being rather old-fashioned, this is a plant which can hold its own in any modern, chic living space.

Mother-in-law's Tongue - Sansevieria trifasciata
Credit: Mokkie / Wikimedia Commons / License CC BY-SA

Sansevieria will happily live in those positions where other houseplants fail to survive. Dark corners and drier environments are no problem for this plant! It won’t mind if you forget to water it once in while; in fact, the biggest risk is over-watering this plant. Give it a corner with indirect light, let the compost dry out between watering, and you can leave this plant to its own devices! Choose an elegant, plain white ceramic container to display this plant in a modern, minimalist environment.

Golden Pothos | Epipremnum aureum

Sometimes known as Devil’s Ivy this attractive foliage plant also has air-purifying qualities. The glossy green leaves have irregular bands of cream and yellow colouration and are born on long stems which can reach 6 to 8 feet in length. The stems can either be left to trail, or they can be trained up a trellis or moss pole; these plants look great when trailing from shelves or cabinets, and work well in plantings intended to create a jungle or tropical vibe.

Golden Pothos - Epipremnum aureum
Credit: Joydeep / Wikimedia Commons

Pothos plants thrive in normal room temperatures and tolerate a range of light levels, though low light levels may diminish the variegation on the foliage. Allow the compost to dry slightly between watering. This plant does not like to be over-watered so is ideal if you’re someone who forgets to water your plants! The plant is mildly toxic but keep it away from pets and children and it will be fine.

Peace Lily | Spathiphyllum wallisii

This is a well known houseplant, even featuring as Simon Pegg’s faithful potted companion in the comedy movie Hot Fuzz. It is a reliable performer, looking comfortably at home in office and domestic settings. The Peace Lily bears attractive glossy green foliage and occasional white blooms.

Peace Liliy - Spathiphyllum wallisii
Credit: Krzysztof Ziarnek, Kenraiz / Wikimedia Commons / License CC BY-SA

This plant has no special requirements: it thrives in standard room temperatures, and will tolerate low light and low humidity. Keep the compost slightly moist at all times and avoid burning sun, and this robust houseplant will enhance your room for years to come.

Cast Iron Plant | Aspidistra elatior

The popular name, Cast Iron Plant, gives a clue to the Aspidistra’s robust nature; this is one of the toughest easy care houseplants on our list. A plant which was popular with the Victorians, the Aspidistra has somewhat declined in popularity recently. Although it is not seen so widely these days, this plant can add a touch of classic elegance to modern living spaces.

Aspidistra - Aspidistra elatior
Credit: Nino Barbieri / Wikimedia Commons / License CC BY-SA

Aspidistra tolerates high or low light and requires little water: take care to allow the compost to dry between waterings and ensure that it never becomes saturated. This is a slow growing plant and will need re-potting only every two or three years.

Jade or Money Plant | Crassula ovata

OK, this plant might not bring you wealth in the way the superstition states but it remains one of the most popular and attractive easy care houseplants. Its growth habit, with a trunk and branches, gives established plants a vaguely bonsai-like appearance. Old plants can reach around 60 cm or so in height.

Money Plant - Crassula ovata. Beautiful and easy to care for.
Credit: Ouquoi / Wikimedia Commons / License CC BY-SA

Since this houseplant is a succulent, storing water in its plump leaves, it will survive with little watering: allow the compost to dry out on the surface between waterings and ensure the pot never stands in water. It does best in medium to bright light and will tolerate temperatures between 10 – 24 Celsius. Use a gritty, free-draining compost – a compost mix designed for cacti & succulents is ideal.

Dumb Cane | Dieffenbachia amoena

The Dumb Cane is a good-looking plant for a centrepiece display or as part of a group planting to give a jungle vibe. It can grow up to around 5 or 6 feet so it can make a real statement in any living space! Who said that easy care houseplants had to be boring!

Dumb Cane - Dieffenbachia amoena
Credit: David J. Stang / Wikimedia Commons / License CC BY-SA

Dieffenbachia should be grown in a free draining compost that is kept moist but never soggy. Position the plant so that it receives filtered bright sunlight or medium to low light levels and it will be happy; direct sunlight can scorch the leaves. Keep the plant above 18 Celsius and feed once a month with a half strength liquid fertiliser. Trim off any dead or browning leaves to keep the plant looking its best.

Rubber Plant | Ficus elastica

This is a classic houseplant and a great choice if you want to add a large specimen plant to your home. It will grow up to ceiling height with a single stem, or it can be pruned to form a shorter, multi-branched shrubby plant. Plant breeders have added a number of attractive cultivars over recent years (eg ‘Robusta’ shown below).

Rubber Plant - Ficus elastica. One of many easy care houseplants.
Credit: Mokkie / Wikimedia Commons / License CC BY-SA

Position your Rubber Plant where it will receive bright, indirect light but avoid long periods of direct sunlight; this plant will also cope with lower light levels as well. Use a general purpose houseplant compost and keep it moist but never soggy. Take care not to over-water a Rubber Plant as it can cause the leaves to drop. It will thrive in a temperature range of around 16 to 24 Celsius, but avoid cold draughts and sudden temperature changes. If you grow this as a tall specimen plant, add a cane for support; a heavier ceramic pot can also help to provide stability at the base – you really don’t want these plants toppling over!

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